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Welcome to Hotelzon’s blog – Insights on the travel and hotel industry

We will be using this blog to share our  insights on the hotel industry, our opinions on the business travel sector  and provide interesting stories and personal experiences.

To be able to give different viewpoints on our blog, there will be posts from various members of Hotelzon including the CEO Jani Kaskinen and guest bloggers from other areas of the travel and hospitality industry.

We very much welcome your comments and suggestions!



Hotelzon Blog

Welcome to Hotelzon’s blog

We will be using this space to share our opinions on the business travel sector, give insights on the hotel industry, provide interesting stories and personal experiences.

To be able to give different viewpoints on our blog, there will be posts from various members of Hotelzon including the CEO Jani Kaskinen and guest bloggers from other areas of our industry.

We very much welcome your comments and suggestions!



Hotelzon Blog